So what difference does a good Linked headshot photo make to your online profile?
There is a statistic provided by LinkedIn themselves that says that people are 14 more likely to click on your profile if you have a photo.
It seems that people want to connect with other people and not just a profile. Knowing this and acting on this can move you further up the ranks but what if you already have a photo?
In this case, you have to make sure that the photo you have is spot on.
It turns out that the right photo is not simply a photo where you look good. A good headshot photo is a photo that communicates the right message to your potential employer, client, or anyone else you wish to engage with. A lot of people get this wrong which is great news for you because it gives you the opportunity to move even further up the ranks.
Your photo can communicate many things. Approachable, trusting, authority, confident, etc. Do you know what your photo says about you?
Here is another interesting statistic about headshot photos. We all have taken a selfie at some point. A selfie is not considered a professional photo but still, there are many examples of people using this as their professional headshot. Below are the percentages of people that are currently using a selfie as their professional photo and their corresponding industry.
Headshot photography
Just this alone is great news to know that by getting a good headshot you will have jumped above your competition by a significant amount. And if you are one of those people still using a selfie, you know now what do to.
If you need someone to help you with your headshot or simply what some advice on what type of photo would work for you, get in touch via the form on my website
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