?Why Do I Need A Professional Headshot? - Dan Cantero Headshots
0412 522 151 dan@dancantero.com.au

Why do I need a professional headshot? 


I think that we can say without a doubt that we are living in the digital age.  If you have any doubts about that you just need to look at the image above that shows you that at this point 93% of people aged between 16 and 64 own a smartphone of some kind.  Like it or not, if you have a smartphone you are part of the digital revolution.  Phone calls are now, a secondary requirement of the phone which has given way to texting, video chatting, and social media.

Just a few years back, it was much easier to stand out of the crowd because the crowd was much smaller.  Today, we have most of the population trying to make themselves seen above others and struggling to do so.  One of the best and easiest ways to do this is with the photo that you use as your professional headshot.

When people hear this, they are not really that surprised because it actually makes sense.  We humans, make first impressions within the first few seconds by looking at what is in front of us.  We can decide if we like or dislike someone by looking at their photo.  If you think about it, I think you will agree that we have formed opinions of others simply by looking at their photo or real life.


The Psychology of Headshot Photography

Have you ever stopped and wondered exactly why you don’t like someone just by looking at their photo?  The science behind this can explain it.  It all happens subconsciously but there are drivers that contribute to this.  Headshot photographers can understand this much better than the average person.  Most of our clients hire us because they are trying to convey a message with their looks and they don’t know how to do this and we can help.

So if you think that the world is not going to judge you on your photograph, think again.  I’m afraid we are a little more superficial than that.

If you want to make the very best first impression you can, get in touch to find out how I can help you.

Dan Cantero